Simple Tips to Immediately Lower Your Electric Bill
Energy Ogre compares Texas electricity rates for you 24/7/365
These Tips Can Help You Start Saving Immediately
The heat in Texas can be brutal, but your electricity bill doesn't have to make you sweat! Energy efficiency is necessary for your home so you can enjoy running your air conditioning unit without paying ridiculously high electricity bills.
Energy Ogre will show you how you can reduce your electric bill, but the most effective way to cut your costs is to ensure that you have locked in the best rate possible.
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Current energy rates are around 6 to 8 cents, with the all-in rate coming to be around 10 to 13 cents per kWh once all delivery charges are factored in. If you're currently paying more than that, don't wait to get into a better deal!
Energy Ogre's Plan Selection Strategy
We select plans that are custom fit to each member and their electricity usage. We search from hundreds of providers and sometimes can even offer custom, below-market rates available only to our members.
That being said, here are a few key things we look for in a contract:
- A contract term ranging between 3 and 12 months
- Which plan delivers the most savings throughout the year
- We consider the offered rate as well as the projected rates that will be available when the contract ends
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Why Is My Electric Bill So High?
Air conditioning
During the summer months, the sweet relief of air conditioning at home is real! Air conditioners use a lot of energy, which can significantly increase your electricity bill. Keep reading to see one easy thing you can do right away to help your AC unit do its job in less time.
Increased energy usage
It's not just the AC that caused people to typically use more energy in the summer than other seasons. If you have a pool, you may be spending more time in the water. The pool pumps and pool vacuums have to work hard to keep up! Check our guide to energy efficient pools to help you save money.
Higher energy rates
Some retail electricity providers may increase their rates during the summer months when demand for electricity is higher. This can lead to a higher electricity bill even if your energy usage remains the same as it was outside the summer season.
Poor insulation
If your home is poorly insulated, hot air can enter, and cool air can escape more easily. That can cause your air conditioner to work harder and use more electricity to maintain a comfortable temperature.
To help reduce your electricity bill in the summer, you can try to conserve energy by using your air conditioner less, keeping your home well-insulated, and using energy-efficient appliances and electronics. You can also consider switching to a different electricity provider or plan with lower rates. One of the quickest and easiest ways to make sure your bill is in good shape is to sign up with Energy Ogre!
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Ways to Reduce Electricity Consumption at Home
There are several ways to reduce electricity use around the house, including:
- Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs: Replace incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs, which use up to 80% less energy and last up to 25 times longer.
- Unplug electronics when not in use: Most electronics, such as TVs, computers, toasters, hair dryers, and phone chargers, use energy even when they are not in use. Unplug them or use a power strip to easily turn them off.
- Use a programmable thermostat: A programmable thermostat can help you automatically adjust your heating and cooling settings to save energy when you are not at home.
- Change your air filters: Changing your air filters at least once every 90 days can make a big difference. With cleaner filters, your air conditioning unit won't have to run as long to cool down your home.
- Reduce hot water usage: Take shorter showers, fix leaks, and turn down the temperature on your water heater to reduce energy usage.
- Air dry clothes: Use a clothesline or drying rack instead of a dryer to save energy and money.
- Use energy-efficient appliances: Look for Energy Star certified appliances, which use less energy and are better for the environment.
- Install ceiling fans: Ceiling fans can help circulate air and make your home feel cooler, reducing the need for air conditioning.
- Seal air leaks: Seal gaps and cracks around windows, doors, and other areas to prevent heat loss and save energy.
- Use natural light: Open curtains and blinds during the day to let in natural light instead of turning on lights. But, if you're out of the house, it's a smart idea to close the blinds.
- Cook efficiently: Use a slow cooker, microwave, or toaster oven instead of the oven to save energy when cooking.
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