V247 has gone POLR, What does that mean for me?
V247 is leaving the Texas electricity market effective immediately and their accounts are all pending transfer to POLR (Provider of Last Resort). These accounts will be placed by ERCOT in a temporary plan with this provider simply to ensure continuity of service until a new contract for your location is secured.
Here is what we know:
- You should receive notification from ERCOT that V247 will no longer be your provider.
- You should also be contacted by the provider who will be temporarily taking over your service.
- You do not need to - nor should you - sign a contract with the provider of last resort (POLR). This is only a temporary placement in response to the V247 closure.
- Energy Ogre will be working to get you into a new contract with the best available rate as soon as possible. You will only be on POLR for a short time until the new contract we have chosen for you is set to begin.
- You will not be charged an early termination fee from V247 Energy.
- If you were enrolled in autopay with V247, your final bill will be drafted as usual.
- You may receive a bill from V247 and a partial bill from your new provider within the same month. You will only be billed for the period of time each provider has served your location.
- Energy Ogre will enroll you with the provider offering the best plan available for your unique energy usage profile. You will receive a confirmation email as soon as that enrollment is processed.
We are determined to make this a smooth transition on your behalf. As always, we are working to minimize your electricity cost so you can rest easy knowing that we've got your back!
Please keep an eye on your email for correspondence from both the providers and Energy Ogre, as we will be closely monitoring this transition and sending you relevant updates on the status of your account.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. Why am I getting an email from ERCOT?
ERCOT is required to alert you that your provider has left the Texas market and that your account will be transferred to a Provider of Last Resort.
2. Is this legitimate?
Yes, V247 left the Texas market and will no longer be providing your service.
3. Will my power be turned off?
No! In order to avoid service interruptions, ERCOT has transferred all V247 accounts to a Provider of Last Resort.
4. How long will I be with the Provider of Last Resort?
Energy Ogre is moving as quickly as possible to enroll you in a new plan. We will search the market and find the most competitive plan available for your home. You will only be with the Provider of Last Resort until that contract is set to begin.
5. Do I need to sign a contract with the POLR?
No! Your placement with the Provider of Last Resort is only temporary to ensure continuity of service. You do not need to sign a contract with them, nor should you as we will be enrolling you in a new plan soon.
6. What will my rate be?
Your rate will be determined by the Provider of Last Resort. Due to the risk of serving an uncertain number of customers with uncertain electricity loads, POLR rates are set by the provider based on current market pricing.
7. I had a contract with V247, why is the POLR not honoring it?
POLR is a safety net for customers whose current retail electricity provider is unable to continue service. Due to the risk of serving an uncertain number of customers with uncertain electricity loads, POLR rates are set by the new provider based on current market pricing. They are not required to honor the rate of your previous contract.
8. What is Energy Ogre doing for the affected accounts?
Energy Ogre is moving as quickly as possible to enroll you in a plan. Prices are a bit high at the moment, but we will get you into the most competitive plan available. Keep in mind that we are always monitoring the market for new plans and lower rates. If we ever find a plan that is worth breaking your current contract for, we will notify you right away!
9. Do I need to pay my bill to the POLR?
Yes, you will be billed by the Provider of Last Resort for the time they provide service for your location, and you will need to make the payments to them accordingly.