So, how does it work?

  • Become a Member

    Sign up to become an Energy Ogre member for $10 a month and send us your most recent electricity bill.

  • We Analyze

    Our proprietary technology analyzes and actively monitors 2,000+ different plans available on the market at any given time.

  • We Select

    We generate your customized demand profile and then match you with the most competitive plan that fits how you use electricity.

  • We Manage

    We break up with your old provider, enroll you with a new provider, set up your account, and handle all customer service on your behalf.

  • You Save!

    Save time, save money, and rest easy knowing that you'll never overpay for electricity again! We help take care of the process from beginning to end, and back it up with our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Don’t just take our word for it…

I wish I would have known about this company years ago! I have saved a ton of money. Thanks Energy Ogre.

I've saved a LOT of money and don't even have to think about it. One less thing for me to worry about.

I signed up for Energy Ogre and they easily cut my power bill in half. They were quick to respond to my questions and made moving to a new energy provider extraordinarily easy. I can't say enough good things about them.

… Got my first bill today after Energy Ogre did their thing … I may turn on everything before I leave for work just because I can now. Haha.

I always enjoy saving money and this is a no-brainer. Customer service is excellent.

Jennifer V.

Richardson, TX

Judy G.

The Woodlands, TX

Bobby W.

Houston, TX

Jason D.

Allen, TX

Scott M.

Houston, TX
